30 minutes 

All Ages

Thomas A. Edison once said: To invent something, you only need a good imagination and a pile of garbage.

So, let's imagine.

A pile of garbage transforms into living beings; they play with you, help you with work, and even tell you their problems.

They love you because you have made them valuable. You love them because they have empowered you.

But don't imagine for too long.

Because this thing is real!

At Rumah Rakit Kahanane, magical things can come from the things discarded. 

Actor: Ricky Setiawan, Tita Dian Wulansari, Monica Manda Windy

Musician: Fransiskus Eli Christian

Artistic Crew: Arfian Yustirianto, Helios Satryo AD

Profile Artist

Kahanane Project is a Yogyakarta-based art group formed in 2021.

It is a collective of young parents in the art world. Apart from the creative process, another major challenge it faced during its inception was ensuring that children still had a world full of joy and happiness.

In its creative process of producing performing arts, the Kahanane Project offers the possibility to choose a method that prioritizes ease, simplicity, and flexibility. That is, by first adjusting to the conditions without neglecting the measure of achievement related to aesthetics.